Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Looking Beyond Yourself

One look at the headlines will tell you how selfishness rules the world. Scams and scandals rule the roost. Even if there's more positive news in the making, these stories are at the top because we love controversy. Maybe it's human nature to whine about how terrible things are going. Most people don't understand happy people, some are even jealous of of them.

There are more than a few times when I feel there's something terribly wrong with the way our world functions. Keep aside the wars, the terrorist factions and nuclear weapons. We've been warring since prehistoric times and we'll need to evolve a lot before learn to stop giving in to our egos and bickering over silly things. A lot of things that happen everyday to anyone are just as terrible.

However, just when I find myself thinking that this world is pointless in it's existence something always happens to change things. The truth is while there is a lot of bad, there are people trying to do something good too. Often they are met with skepticism and suspicion because we just can't trust anyone anymore. There are numerous people who come in the guise of social workers but there are those who are really trying to make a difference.
If you want to make a difference it doesn't take much. Most NGOs require financial assistance or more often than not volunteers. Offer your time or money by volunteering to a cause that you deem is worthy. When I was pursuing my second bachelorette in Literature, I began working with Songbound. Their vision was to bring musical learning to underprivileged children and give them the opportunities to learn more than what a basic classroom offers. I had no prior experience in teaching, but my passion for music resulted in them developing a love for it. Our repertoire often includes pieces that the children have never heard but it's wonderful to see them take up the challenge. Every term sees new choirs joining in as new choir leaders find their calling.
We don't have to be Miss World to work for world peace. It's the little things that matter most. Be the change you want see, you're stronger than you think you are and you can make a difference.