Tuesday, 13 March 2018

While I was away


I know I've gone MIA again. I guess this is going to be a regular feature. I mean I truly try to post regularly and I begin writing something that I'd like to share. Regardless of whether I'm a few lines in or halfway through, someone or something will distract me. I think I'll come back to in a bit but I find that by the time I return to it a few months have passed by.

Tragic isn't it. However, it doesn't mean that I'm not writing. I've been extremely busy with work. My multitasking skills are doing well. Freelance writing on one side, tarot reading on the other and finishing assignments for my MA while reading stacks of books.

In the midst of all the chaos that is my life, I recently made an interesting discovery, fan fiction writing. I had never looked into it because I thought they were just story theories. Pleasantly surprised to see that they are actual stories with a variety of premises, but characters and locations from popular works.

It all began when I was browsing through my Pinterest account. I came across a post on the best Harry Potter fan fiction. I like many others grew up with Harry Potter as part of my pop culture. I'm absolutely in love with Hogwarts and every aspect of the magical world Rowling has presented us. However, there are all those what-if's and maybe's that have us wondering if things could have been different. Fan fiction allows each of these possibilities to exist.

The entire system is an informal setup of a publication house. Fan fiction is a website that has a collection of fan fiction writing. Apart from Harry Potter based stories, there are stories based on movies, anime, plays, cartoons etc. There's two basic variations single category and crossover. The single category sticks with characters and locations from a single popular work and adds original elements in terms of plot and structure as well as locations and characters as and when necessary.

While not all works are equally good and some are more popular than others, it's interesting to see how it works. Fan fiction hosts all these stories. The members are the writers, editors, reviewers and readers of the material created by them. What really impressed me is the concept of some stories, in some others it was their character development and plot execution.

The easiest way to decide which work to read is to read the synopsis and look at the reviews. If you still can't decide just pick one and start reading if you don't like it pick another, it's free. You read right these are free to read. The length of the stories varies from a few thousand to a hundred thousand words depending on the detail involved. So I've read quite a few in last few months. I'm curious if I should attempt to write one too.

Maybe I will. Maybe I should just write when I can. No expectations. I'll see you when I see you. Hopefully sooner rather than later, until then happy reading.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Real Nature by The Face Shop - Product Review and Special offer

So if you've seen my earlier post on what I did while it was pouring outside, you should have a fair idea that I like skincare. Korean skincare has been getting a lot of attention lately and with good reason. Korean women maintain a pretty hectic skincare routine and their wonderful clear complexion would tempt you to try it too.
I've been interested in trying out a lot of their products but limited availability and high shipping charges have prevented me from doing so. So when I came across these products on Nykaa at pretty good rates I was quite delighted. I thought that it might show me some ridiculous shipping charges after the items were in my cart, there was no such issue.

I went a little crazy and bought a dozen sheet masks from the Face Shop. They are well known for their sheet masks amongst other products. They have four different varieties of which I have two; the oriental herb and the natural fruit.
Each packet contains a single sheet mask. These are priced from rs 100 to 300. I've not used all of them but I must say these are great, if you're in a hurry or just too tired to make/apply a regular face mask.
All you have to do is cut open the pack, unfold the mask, place it on your face and relax. There's usually a little extra essence present in the packet, don't throw it away, you can use it as a serum after you've taken off the mask. It's important not to wash your face even if it feels a bit sticky after you take off the mask, your skin will absorb it in a few minutes. The effects of the mask vary from person to person, and continued usage leads to better effects.

Personal experience:Each mask has a feel good effect but apart from that they each have a specific benefit. The rice mask has a brightening effect while the kelp mask has a purifying effect, so on and so forth. My skin has been taking a lot of sun damage due to my schedule. I decided to try the olive mask as my skin has been a bit dry. I cleansed and toned my face as usual before using the mask. I didn't apply any else after the mask as I wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of the mask. The mask has a cooling effect and definitely brightens up the skin and lasted until the following day, which is pretty good. It adheres well and requires no skills to apply, making it perfectly suited for newbies. These are tested against allergies but they do contain some preservatives, so if you find yourself reacting to it stop using at once and check with doctor before proceeding.

Now Nykaa has a buy7+ pay 50% offer on sheet masks apart from lots of other amazing offers and if you Click here for code you will get an additional discount on your first purchase plus I'll get some bonus points too. So if you're interested in getting your hands on these amazing products and more click the link and let me know how was your experience with Korean skincare.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. Neither Nykaa or The Face Shop have asked me to promote their products. I wanted to share my experience with my readers and help them avail ongoing offers.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Looking Beyond Yourself

One look at the headlines will tell you how selfishness rules the world. Scams and scandals rule the roost. Even if there's more positive news in the making, these stories are at the top because we love controversy. Maybe it's human nature to whine about how terrible things are going. Most people don't understand happy people, some are even jealous of of them.

There are more than a few times when I feel there's something terribly wrong with the way our world functions. Keep aside the wars, the terrorist factions and nuclear weapons. We've been warring since prehistoric times and we'll need to evolve a lot before learn to stop giving in to our egos and bickering over silly things. A lot of things that happen everyday to anyone are just as terrible.

However, just when I find myself thinking that this world is pointless in it's existence something always happens to change things. The truth is while there is a lot of bad, there are people trying to do something good too. Often they are met with skepticism and suspicion because we just can't trust anyone anymore. There are numerous people who come in the guise of social workers but there are those who are really trying to make a difference.
If you want to make a difference it doesn't take much. Most NGOs require financial assistance or more often than not volunteers. Offer your time or money by volunteering to a cause that you deem is worthy. When I was pursuing my second bachelorette in Literature, I began working with Songbound. Their vision was to bring musical learning to underprivileged children and give them the opportunities to learn more than what a basic classroom offers. I had no prior experience in teaching, but my passion for music resulted in them developing a love for it. Our repertoire often includes pieces that the children have never heard but it's wonderful to see them take up the challenge. Every term sees new choirs joining in as new choir leaders find their calling.
We don't have to be Miss World to work for world peace. It's the little things that matter most. Be the change you want see, you're stronger than you think you are and you can make a difference.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Turning a Frown Upside Down

It's been a overcast and rainy the last few days. However, yesterday reminded me of the deluge of 2005, the day much of Mumbai was seriously submerged.
On that day I went from stranded to battling the elements to having my faith in humanity restored. But let's do depressing another day. I hope everyone in North America is fine too post-Harley.
Picture of Houston Airport
I'm glad to hear that almost everyone is safe and it is heartening to know that people are trying to help each other regardless of their religious or political sensibilities. The way we rally together in times of difficulty make me wonder if the aliens will attack Mumbai before America.
Borivali station 28th afternoon
I woke up later than intended due the cloudy skies misleading me into thinking it was early morning. I had a meeting in little over an hour and I cringed at the thought of rushing myself to journey through the rain. My warm bed and soft blanket, my little haven of comfort. I dragged myself out of bed and washed up before sitting with my tea and checking my phone.
Transport comes to a standstill
Evidently, things were bleak, trains were running late and various areas were beginning to flood. My meeting was on the other side of town and it would not be wise to head out. In the meantime, I realised that the dull pounding in my head wasn't the ganpati pandemonium but indicative of the onset of a migraine. So I decided to cancel the meeting considering everything that was happening.
Thereafter, I spent the rest of the day helping dad make lunch and keeping up with the state the city. It was a pretty glum day with no telly because the rain blocks of satellite transmission and dull ache in my head that refused to budge. It's a depressing combination and you can't help but feel the pain of friends stuck en route.

Our lives have so much happening it makes us restless, at least I do. I should have taken a nap after all the weather was perfect for it. Yet I couldn't stay still long enough so I wondered if I should wash my hair but I didn't want to catch cold so I passed on that idea. Then another thought struck, I've wanted to try the K-beauty 10-step skincare routine for a while. I double cleanse daily but rarely do more than 3 or 5 of the steps in all. My routine is a little modified, read on to see what I used and the results.
So I carefully selected a scrub and mask from my collection and decided on the charcoal scrub(Fab India) and charcoal face mask(Aloe veda). The face mask a bit clumpy which is perfectly normal. It makes application a task which is why I added a spoon of milk to it. Always add a little at a time and stir it before adding more liquid, you don't want the face mask dripping all over.
My dad thinks I look scary
I began with washing my hands then gently massaging my oil cleanser(Sephora) well into my skin focusing on the t-zone. Then microwave a damp face cloth squeeze out any excess water before microwaving you don't want to burn/boil your skin. The cloth should be comfortably warm, place it on your face to allow it to open up your pores. Do it a couple of times until you feel your skin sweating out a bit. Then using the damp face cloth wipe off the oil cleanser with gently circular motions. Wash your face with a foaming cleanser I use the balancing cleanser(Artistry). Next is the face scrub, apply, massage and wash off. My skin was pretty squeaky clean but I had planned to go through with it at least this one time. So the mask was on next, I took a decent amount of time applying it evenly. I had some leftover so I put it on my feet, they are so often neglected. Then I used my toner(Artistry) after which I massaged in the bi-phase serum(Clarins) and followed with an essence then an eye gel mask and lip mask followed lastly by moisturiser(Artistry).
I don't look this pretty when I sleep
This entire process took about an hour. The face mask took time to dry off due to excessive moisture in the air. I think in summer this would take about 20 to 30 minutes which isn't bad considering the results are immediate. I don't like parlour facials because most of them are pretty rough, so this is a great way to indulge yourself. Besides I slept so well after it. I had begun writing but I just couldn't keep my eyes open. It was some serious beauty sleep. Ciao, until next time.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Winter-time: Hair Care

Hello Everyone,
In Mumbai, January is often colder than December. The air dries out your skin and hair. Most of us go heavy on lotions and cream to protect our skin. However, our hair is often neglected. It's a great idea to cover your head with a scarf or hat while travelling but it's not enough. So here are few tips to keep your hair well-nourished and healthy.

1.Cover your hair while travelling.

The wind and dust dry out not just your hair but scalp as well. A dry scalp is an itchy scalp, scratching your scalp releases sebum to moisten the dry skin. This leads to your scalp getting more greasy and makes it easier for dust and dirt to stick to your hair. This makes you shampoo your hair more often.

2.Tie it up

Tying your hair up is also a good idea while travelling. While it might feel great to leave your hair open and feel the wind in it. Your hair will most likely be flying into someone's face. Apart from annoying fellow passengers, your hair is getting tangled. Combing out tangles leads to breakage, frizz and often just plain frustrating.

3.Space out your shampoo days

Most of us don't get the chance to wash our hair often due to busy schedules. Those who go to the gym or play sports regularly should use a very mild shampoo. Most shampoos contain harsh chemicals that strip your hair of natural oils and moisture. This makes your hair dry, brittle and dull and your scalp dry and itchy. Conditioners help to restore some amount of moisture but this is often short-lived. Washing your hair no more than twice a week and keeping it two days apart helps the scalp restore balance and it's less stressful for your hair.

4.Use baking soda instead of shampoo

The no-poo method has been around for awhile now. If you haven't tried it yet I'd recommend giving it a shot. It might seem strange but it is effective. You can either moisten your scalp and hair or do this before you wet your hair. Personally, I prefer to use this method on my hair while it's still dry as it's easier to apply. So instead of your shampoo, take a couple of spoonfuls of baking soda (depending on the density of your hair). Take a large pinch and apply it on your scalp starting from one side and move to other. Moisten your fingers and massage your scalp and run it through your hair as well then rinse out.

5.Don't let it dry out

Try to towel dry your hair as gently as possible after you was it. The friction with the towel can cause hair to frizz and at times break. It's best to simply wrap your hair in the towel and let it dry gradually. When your hair is almost dry i.e. damp take few drops (2/3) of light hair oil such as sweet almond, avocado or coconut. Rub it between your palms and apply to the ends of your hair and finger comb from root to tip. Your hair shouldn't be oily. This method allows a very light coat of oil that prevents your hair from drying out and locks in moisture. Please ensure that you use an oil that suits your hair but nothing heavy or sticky as this will make your hair look greasy once it's completely dry.

6.Avoid using plastic combs and brushes
Plastic combs and brushes generate static and make your hair frizzy and look untidy. There are some combs and brushes that don't get static and will specifically mention it. If you're looking for a good detangling brush consider the Tangle-teaser collection.
We all delight in that wonderful feeling of being pampered but that comes at a price. Hair-spas don't come cheap and those that do, are probably too good to be true. You might get lucky and come across a great deal. But here is an affordable hair-spa that you can do for yourself or anyone in your family with things you have at home. Kitchen recipes are great but they are often a real pain to wash out. My hair is of medium density and it's really difficult to get out pieces of fruit or scrambled egg when it's wet. Hence, this recipe requires no fruit or veggies.
What you'll need:
 Hair Conditioner 

Coconut oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Avocado oil, Argan Oil
Choose a conditioner that suits your hair(you can try this with different conditioners and see which works best or even use a combination of conditioners). I'd purchased the Garnier oil-in-cream a long time ago and it never quite worked for me as an after shower treatment. However, it works well in this recipe to add some more moisture. Similarly, you can use any conditioner or serum that doesn't quite work on its own to boost the effectiveness of this mixture.


Take a couple of large spoonfuls of conditioner in a bowl depending on the length of your hair. I use about 3 large tablespoons for my shoulder-length hair. You can always add more before applying it. Add your favourite hair oils to the bowl. You can try various proportions until you find one you like. I put about equal amounts of each oil i.e. a teaspoon or so. I've used coconut, almond, avocado and argan these are very moisturising and nourishing. Stir the mixture until it is smooth and shiny. When you stir it initially the mixture might appear curdled as the oils take some time to blend with the conditioner. Divide your hair into sections and apply a little at a time, cover with a shower cap and leave on for at least 30 minutes. Wash as usual.

You may have read or heard of some of these before. Let me know if you'd like to see more of these tips. I'd love to know your feedback if you try them.

Monday, 26 December 2016

Self vs. World - Part 2 - Taking Time

Have you ever felt like 24hours aren't enough? That there is too much left to be done even when you're beyond the point of exhaustion. Our world has become more demanding with work hours getting longer as our targets get higher. Apart from work, phenomena like social media take up huge chunks of our time.
Social media platforms can help you work, relax and connect with people but too much of anything is never a good thing. Our phones have become so versatile over the last few years that it can replace your camera, television, computer, workstation etc. According to some questionable videos you can even use your phone to make popcorn which would be wonderful if it worked.

Social media platforms can help you work, relax and connect with people but too much of anything is never a good thing. Our phones have become so versatile over the last few years that it can replace your camera, television, computer, workstation etc. According to some questionable videos you can even use your phone to make popcorn which would be wonderful if it worked.

It's just a few days until this year comes to an end and a new one begins. While we make our resolutions to eat less and exercise more, which we know probably won't keep. Not because we don't want to be healthy but because we're too tired, pushing ourselves to the limit. Personally, I always do more than I should. I try to be there for family, friends and do everything. I'm often told that I'm not superhuman and that I need to rest/take a break.

 I'll be turning 30 this year, and it's considered a milestone by many. I'm not sure if this year will bring anything particularly dramatic, though people have warned me. I do plan to give myself more time, tell people who demand too much of my time to buzz off(

politely, if possible), invest more time in projects that interest me, travel more, etc. Work is important because the system that we belong to demands it of us. However, if we don't bother to live our lives to the fullest no one is going to do it for us. I wish everyone a happy new year. May you find happiness, peace and fulfilment in next 365 days.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Food Comes First - Chinese Pot Rice

Food has always been a big part of my life. It is my belief that most problems can be solved on a full stomach. So let's take a break from the serious themed posts and get something to eat.
This is a mixed meat recipe, let me know if you want to see a vegetarian or vegan version of it. Here's to a recipe based post. (The recipe is at the end of post.)

A few hotels in the city serve Chinese pot rice, but these usually contain steamed rice topped with a soy based gravy that contains chicken and vegetables. However, the homemade version of pot rice is not quite like the restaurant version, obviously. This recipe is what I've taken away from each time I've eaten homemade pot rice. A few ingredients in this recipe are not easy to come by, such as the lap cheong, however a trip to Crawford market should prove fruitful. If by some stroke of fate you're heading to Kolkata, head to China town in Tangra and be amazed.

There are quite a few Chinese dishes that I enjoy and pot rice is certainly one of my favorites. In Mumbai eating out in the 90's usually meant heading to the nearest North-Indian or Chinese place, everything else was considered home food in my home. My mom loves to cook and she has probably cooked every cuisine, she has come across. I've turned into a brat when it comes to food because everything she makes is generally brilliant. However, the Chinese available in restaurants was an Indian version(read spicy) and as a child my options were limited to sweet corn chicken soup and american chopsuey.

However, my last three years have been very enlightening in terms of Chinese food and culture. I've always loved learning about different people and cultures through their food, art and music because this is how you express who you are in a language that is universal. Since China is a huge country there is much variation between things, I've become a little more acquainted with the Hakka side of things by dating a Chinese Indian boy. My boyfriend has acted as a window into this unexplored avenue, I look upon much of these unknown foods with strange names in curiosity. But I'm always game to try it, since I'm a big foodie.

Don't be afraid to make it your own, it's generally not a spicy meal but you can add a bit of spice to it. Alternatively, you can use dried pork or salted beef jerky instead of the lap cheong but watch the salt content in the recipe. But don't over do it or it will no longer be Chinese. Remember that every alteration will change the flavor, for example I skipped on the shiitake mushrooms and celery as they were unavailable, the distinctive flavor imparted by the celery and the texture of the shiitake were missed. Add them to your meal if you can.

I do hope you guys try it and enjoy it.

Chinese Pot Rice

Preparation time: depends on your chopping skills took me 45 mins
Cooking time: 20 - 40 mins

3-4 spring onions,sliced
1 green pepper,minced
1 red/yellow pepper,minced
200 gms mushrooms,sliced
6 lap cheong (Chinese pork sausages),steamed and sliced
2 cups rice,soaked in water for at least 30 mins
50 gms shredded dry fish (either scallop or prawns, optional)
2 tbsp garlic,minced
2 tbsp ginger,minced
1 inch piece cinnamon
2 star anise
3-4 Schezwan peppers
2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
Few spinach leaves or pak choy (optional)

300 gms boneless chicken,diced and marinated for 20 mins
1 tbsp olive oil

1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste )

Begin by heating the oil and sear the marinated chicken. Add the lap cheong and when you can smell the five spice add the minced ginger and garlic. Stir continuously to keep them from burning, then add the cinnamon,star anise and schezwan peppers.

Then add the onions and chopped green and colored peppers.Once the onions and peppers begin to soften add the mushrooms and shredded fish.

Lastly, add the rice, season with salt and pepper and cover with sufficient water to cook the rice. You could use chicken or vegetable stock, if you have any. Once it begins to boil cover and simmer for 20mins.
Once the rice is done plate up and eat it while it's still hot.